mistletoe |
a parasitic plant, species of which are found in Europe, Asia, and North America, having evergreen leaves and bearing white berries and small, yellow flowers. [2 definitions] |
mistook |
past tense of mistake. |
mistreat |
to treat improperly; abuse. |
mistress |
a woman in charge, as of a school or household. [4 definitions] |
mistrust |
lack of belief or confidence in the good intentions of people; doubt. [3 definitions] |
misty |
made up of mist or looking like mist. [2 definitions] |
misunderstand |
to fail to comprehend correctly; interpret wrongly. |
misunderstanding |
a failure to comprehend correctly. [2 definitions] |
misunderstood |
not understood or interpreted correctly. [2 definitions] |
misuse |
a wrong or inappropriate use. [3 definitions] |
mite1 |
one of several tiny, often parasitic arachnids. |
mite2 |
a tiny amount of something, esp. money. [3 definitions] |
mitt |
a padded covering for a ballplayer's hand; baseball glove. [3 definitions] |
mitten |
a hand covering, worn for warmth, with one section for the thumb and one for all the other fingers. |
mix |
to combine things or substances together so that the parts are more or less indistinguishable; blend. [8 definitions] |
mixed |
blended together. [2 definitions] |
mixed number |
a number consisting of an integer and a fraction, such as two and one half. |
mixer |
an electrical device used for blending different foods together. [4 definitions] |
mixing bowl |
a bowl in which ingredients can be combined in food preparation. |
mixture |
the product of mixing two or more items or substances together. [3 definitions] |
mix-up |
a confused situation. [2 definitions] |