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mitt a baseball glove. [2 definitions]
mitten a covering for the hand, worn for warmth. Mittens have one section for the thumb and one section for the four fingers.
mix to put different things together so that the parts become one. [5 definitions]
mixed blended together; combined. [2 definitions]
mixed number a number made up of a whole number and a fraction.
mixer a device used for mixing different things together.
mixing bowl a bowl in which things can be combined when preparing food. Mixing bowls come in various sizes.
mixture something that is made from combining different things into one. [2 definitions]
mix-up a confused situation.
ml abbreviation of "milliliter," or "milliliters."
mm abbreviation of "millimeter," or "millimeters."
Mn symbol of the chemical element manganese.
MN abbreviation of "Minnesota."
MO abbreviation of "Missouri."
mo. abbreviation of "month."
moan a long, low sound of pain, grief, or sorrow. [3 definitions]
moat a deep ditch dug around a castle, fort, or town for protection against enemies. Moats are usually filled with water.
mob a large crowd of angry or excited people. [4 definitions]
mobile able to move or be moved easily from one place or position to another. [3 definitions]
mobile home a house or trailer that can be moved but is often placed in one location for a long time.
moccasin a soft leather shoe or slipper without a heel. Moccasins were first made and worn by American Indians.