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mockingbird any of several gray and white North American songbirds known esp. for their varied songs, which include imitations of the songs of other birds.
mode1 a manner, method, or form of doing, acting, speaking, living, or the like. [4 definitions]
model a standard that is suitable for or worthy of imitation or comparison. [14 definitions]
modem an electronic apparatus that enables data to be processed for transmission from or into a computer by use of telephone or other transmitter.
moderate keeping or kept within reasonable limits; not extreme or excessive. [9 definitions]
modern of, relating to, or characteristic of current or recent times. [4 definitions]
modernize to make modern or contemporary. [2 definitions]
modest having or expressing a relatively low or moderate opinion of one's abilities, achievements, worth, importance, or the like. [5 definitions]
modify to alter somewhat; make changes in. [4 definitions]
module a part or unit used as a standard for measuring, as in building. [4 definitions]
Mohawk a river that flows eastward from central New York State. [3 definitions]
moist slightly or somewhat wet. [4 definitions]
moisten to make or become slightly wet; dampen.
moisture a small amount of diffused or condensed liquid, esp. water, felt as vapor in the air or as dampness on surfaces.
Mojave Desert a desert region of southern California.
molar1 a large tooth with a broad biting surface, used for grinding food and located in the back of the mouth behind the premolars. [2 definitions]
molasses a thick dark brown syrup produced from sorghum or as a by-product when sugar is refined.
mold1 a hollow form used to give a particular shape to a soft or molten substance that is poured into it and allowed to harden. [10 definitions]
mold2 a surface growth of fungus, often fuzzy or downy, that forms on stale, damp, or decaying matter. [4 definitions]
molding the act or process of shaping or forming something. [3 definitions]
Moldova a country of East Europe bordered by Romania and Ukraine; formerly a republic of the Soviet Union.