mode1 |
a way of doing something. |
model |
an example that should be copied or an ideal that others are compared to. [12 definitions] |
modem |
an electronic device that allows information to be sent from or to a computer using telephone lines or other lines of communication. |
moderate |
not too much or too little; within limits. [4 definitions] |
modern |
having to do with the present or current times. [2 definitions] |
modernize |
to make modern; bring up to date. [2 definitions] |
modest |
not thinking too highly of oneself; humble. [3 definitions] |
modesty |
the quality of not being conceited or vain; the quality of being modest. [2 definitions] |
modify |
to change in some way; alter. [3 definitions] |
module |
a part of a device or machine that can be separated from the main section. [2 definitions] |
Mohawk |
an important river of New York State. It flows east from central New York toward the Atlantic. [2 definitions] |
moist |
slightly or somewhat wet. |
moisten |
to make or become slightly wet. |
moisture |
a small amount of liquid in the air or on a surface. |
Mojave Desert |
a very dry region of southern California. |
molar1 |
a large tooth located in the back of the mouth, with a broad biting surface used for grinding food. |
molasses |
a thick, sweet, dark brown syrup that is produced during the process of manufacturing sugar from plants. |
mold1 |
a hollow form used to give a particular shape to a soft or liquid substance that is poured into it. The material becomes hard and takes the shape of the mold. [3 definitions] |
mold2 |
a fungus that grows on the surface of plant or animal materials such as food or leather. Some kinds of mold are fuzzy or fluffy. Penicillin is a kind of mold. |
molding |
the act of shaping or forming something. [2 definitions] |
Moldova |
a country of eastern Europe bordered by Romania and Ukraine. The capital of Moldova is Chisnau. |