mop |
a tool with rags, a sponge, or yarn attached to one end of a long handle. A mop is used to wash floors or decks. [3 definitions] |
mope |
to act dull and sad; sulk; pout. [2 definitions] |
moped |
a heavy bicycle fitted with a motor that does not have much power. |
moral |
having to do with what is right and what is wrong in how a person acts. [4 definitions] |
morale |
the state of mind of a person or group; spirit. |
morality |
inner beliefs about what is right and what is wrong that make one choose the path of right behavior. [2 definitions] |
more |
in greater number, amount, or degree. [6 definitions] |
more or less |
in some ways; somewhat. [2 definitions] |
moreover |
beyond what has already been said; in addition; also. |
Mormon |
a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. [2 definitions] |
morning |
the early part of the day, beginning when the sun rises and ending about noon. [2 definitions] |
morning glory |
a climbing vine with flowers that open in the morning and close by evening. Morning glory flowers are shaped like a trumpet and come in several colors. |
Morocco |
a country in northern Africa. Rabat is the capital of Morocco. |
moron |
a very foolish or stupid person. |
morsel |
a small piece that is the right size for one bite; bit. |
mortal |
not living forever; having to die some day. [5 definitions] |
mortar1 |
a heavy bowl in which things are ground or pounded into powder with a tool called a pestle. |
mortar2 |
a material made from lime, sand, and water and used to hold bricks or stones in place. |
mortgage |
a written agreement by which a bank or other institution agrees to lend money so that one can buy a property. The bank holds a claim to this property until the money is paid back. |
mosaic |
a picture or design made with many small colored pieces of glass, tile, or stone. These pieces are fitted together and cemented into place. |
Moscow |
the capital city of Russia. |