mosaic |
a pattern or picture made with many small glass tiles, stones, or the like cemented onto a surface. [6 definitions] |
Moscow |
the capital of Russia. |
Moslem |
variant of Muslim. |
mosque |
a Muslim place of worship. |
mosquito |
any of numerous winged insects, the females of which usu. suck the blood of animals and humans by using a slender, hollow proboscis. |
moss |
any of numerous small, leafy-stemmed, flowerless green plants that grow in mats on rocks, trees, and moist ground. [3 definitions] |
most |
superlative of "many" and "much." [9 definitions] |
mostly |
in most instances; for the most part. [2 definitions] |
motel |
a hotel that usu. has extensive parking convenient to the bedrooms so as to accommodate those who travel by car. |
moth |
any of numerous broad-winged insects that have fine or featherlike antennae, usu. fly at night, and are usu. thicker of body and less colorful than butterflies. [2 definitions] |
mother1 |
a female parent. [9 definitions] |
mother-in-law |
the mother of a person's husband or wife. |
motherly |
of, characteristic of, befitting, or like a mother. [2 definitions] |
Mother's Day |
a holiday to honor mothers, observed in the US, Canada, and the UK on the second Sunday in May. |
motion |
the process, manner, or continuous action of moving; movement. [8 definitions] |
motion picture |
a series of photographic images projected in rapid succession on a screen, creating the illusion of natural and continuous motion. [2 definitions] |
motivation |
the act or process of motivating. [3 definitions] |
motive |
an idea, need, desire, or impulse that causes a person to act in a particular way or do a particular thing; reason. [2 definitions] |
motor |
a device that causes or increases motion or power, esp. an engine or machine. [5 definitions] |
motorboat |
a boat driven by a motor mounted inside or outside the hull. [2 definitions] |
motorcycle |
a two-wheeled motor vehicle having a heavy frame and an uncovered engine. [2 definitions] |