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mother-in-law the mother of a person's husband or wife.
motherly of, characteristic of, befitting, or like a mother. [2 definitions]
Mother's Day a holiday to honor mothers, observed in the US, Canada, and the UK on the second Sunday in May.
motion the process, manner, or continuous action of moving; movement. [8 definitions]
motion picture a series of photographic images projected in rapid succession on a screen, creating the illusion of natural and continuous motion. [2 definitions]
motivation the act or process of motivating. [3 definitions]
motive an idea, need, desire, or impulse that causes a person to act in a particular way or do a particular thing; reason. [2 definitions]
motor a device that causes or increases motion or power, esp. an engine or machine. [5 definitions]
motorboat a boat driven by a motor mounted inside or outside the hull. [2 definitions]
motorcycle a two-wheeled motor vehicle having a heavy frame and an uncovered engine. [2 definitions]
motor scooter a light, two-wheeled, gas-powered vehicle with two small wheels and a seat over the engine for the driver.
motorway (chiefly British) a major public road on which one can drive at high speeds, esp. between cities; highway.
motto a short phrase used to recall or exemplify a philosophy, code of behavior, or the like. [2 definitions]
moulding a spelling of "molding" used in Canada and Britain. See "molding" for more information.
mound a raised pile; heap. [6 definitions]
mount1 to climb. [10 definitions]
mount2 a mountain or high hill.
mountain a geological formation or land mass with great height and steep sides that is higher than a hill. [2 definitions]
mountaineer a person who climbs mountains for sport. [3 definitions]
mountain lion a large, powerful, tawny wild cat of the Western Hemisphere; cougar.
mountainous having many mountains. [2 definitions]