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mouthful as much as the mouth is capable of containing. [4 definitions]
mouth organ a harmonica.
mouthpiece a part or extension of any apparatus, used in connection with the mouth, to transmit air, speech, sound, or the like. [4 definitions]
movable capable of being moved; not permanently fixed. [3 definitions]
move to change position or location. [15 definitions]
movement change in position or location. [8 definitions]
move on to leave something behind, like a place, position, emotional state, or subject, and go elsewhere or forward. [2 definitions]
move over to shift so as to make room for another.
mover a person or thing that moves. [3 definitions]
movie a motion picture; film. [3 definitions]
movie theater a building where movies are shown to the public on a large screen.
moving changing place or position. [3 definitions]
mow1 to cut down (grain, grass, or the like) with a machine or scythe. [4 definitions]
mower one that mows, esp. a machine for mowing grass, hay, or the like.
mown a past participle of mow1.
Mozambique a Southeast African coastal country between South Africa and Tanzania.
M.P. abbreviation of "Member of Parliament," one who has been elected to the parliament of a nation.
mpg abbreviation of "miles per gallon."
mph abbreviation of "miles per hour."
Mr. abbreviation of "Mister," a conventional title of courtesy, usu. abbreviated and placed before a man's last name or title of office. [2 definitions]
Mrs. abbreviation of "Mistress," used as a conventional title of courtesy for a married woman and usually placed before the name she has taken in marriage.