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move on to change to a new place, position, or subject.
move over to change position to make room for another.
mover (sometimes plural) a person or company whose business is to move furniture from one home or business to another.
movie a motion picture; film. [2 definitions]
movie theater a building where people go to see movies on a large screen.
moving that changes place or position. [3 definitions]
mow1 to cut down with a blade or machine. [2 definitions]
mower a machine for mowing grass or a person who mows.
mown a past participle of "mow1."
Mozambique a country in southeastern Africa. Maputo is the capital of Mozambique.
M.P. abbreviation of "Member of Parliament."
mpg abbreviation of "miles per gallon."
mph abbreviation of "miles per hour."
Mr. abbreviation of "Mister," which is often used as a title of respect before a man's last name.
Mrs. abbreviation of "Mistress," which is a title of respect used before a married woman's name.
MS1 abbreviation of "Mississippi."
Ms. a title of respect often used before a woman's last name.
MT abbreviation of "Montana."
Mt. abbreviation of "mount," or "mountain."
much great in degree, number, or amount. [4 definitions]
mucilage a sticky substance used as glue.