move on |
to change to a new place, position, or subject. |
move over |
to change position to make room for another. |
mover |
(sometimes plural) a person or company whose business is to move furniture from one home or business to another. |
movie |
a motion picture; film. [2 definitions] |
movie theater |
a building where people go to see movies on a large screen. |
moving |
that changes place or position. [3 definitions] |
mow1 |
to cut down with a blade or machine. [2 definitions] |
mower |
a machine for mowing grass or a person who mows. |
mown |
a past participle of "mow1." |
Mozambique |
a country in southeastern Africa. Maputo is the capital of Mozambique. |
M.P. |
abbreviation of "Member of Parliament." |
mpg |
abbreviation of "miles per gallon." |
mph |
abbreviation of "miles per hour." |
Mr. |
abbreviation of "Mister," which is often used as a title of respect before a man's last name. |
Mrs. |
abbreviation of "Mistress," which is a title of respect used before a married woman's name. |
MS1 |
abbreviation of "Mississippi." |
Ms. |
a title of respect often used before a woman's last name. |
MT |
abbreviation of "Montana." |
Mt. |
abbreviation of "mount," or "mountain." |
much |
great in degree, number, or amount. [4 definitions] |
mucilage |
a sticky substance used as glue. |