Muse |
any of the nine Greek goddesses of the arts and sciences. [2 definitions] |
muse |
to think about something silently or for a long time. |
museum |
a building where collections of objects that are important to history, art, or science are kept and shown to the public. |
mush1 |
a thick, soft cereal that is made of corn meal boiled in water or milk. [2 definitions] |
mushroom |
a fungus with a stalk and a cap that looks like a small umbrella. Some kinds of mushrooms can be eaten; other kinds are poisonous. Mushrooms live in damp places and are the fruiting bodies of certain kinds of fungi. [3 definitions] |
mushy |
soft and thick, like mush. |
music |
sound with tones and rhythm that can be listened to and enjoyed. Music can be made by voices or instruments. [4 definitions] |
musical |
like music rather than noise; having qualities similar to melody or harmony. [5 definitions] |
music box |
a box containing a mechanical device that plays music. The music plays by winding a knob, lifting the lid of the box, or some other action. |
musician |
a person skilled at playing, singing, or writing music. |
music room |
in a school, a classroom where music is taught and where instruments may be kept. |
musk |
a substance with a strong smell made by the gland of a certain kind of male deer. Musk is used in making some perfumes. [2 definitions] |
musket |
a heavy gun with a long barrel. Muskets were carried on the shoulder. They were used over three hundred years ago, before rifles were invented. |
musketeer |
a soldier who carried and used a musket. |
muskmelon |
a round melon with juicy, sweet flesh that ranges in color from almost white to light orange or green. A cantaloupe is a kind of muskmelon. |
musk ox |
a large mammal with long, dark fur and wide horns. Musk oxen live in the northern regions of North America and Greenland. They have wide hooves for walking on snow. Musk oxen are closely related to cattle. |
muskrat |
a North American rodent that lives in and near water. Muskrats are about one foot long with brown fur and a long tail. They make burrows in the banks of streams or build reed huts in marshes and ponds. |
Muslim |
having to do with the religion of Islam. [2 definitions] |
muslin |
a sturdy cotton cloth used for sheets and clothing. |
muss |
to make a mess of; put into disorder (often followed by "up"). |
mussel |
an animal with a soft body and a hard shell made of two hinged pieces that open and close. Many kinds of mussels live in the ocean and in fresh water. Mussels are mollusks and are closely related to clams and oysters. People eat some kinds of mussels. |