nation |
a people living in the same geographic region and having a common history, language, and culture. [3 definitions] |
national |
of or pertaining to an entire nation. [3 definitions] |
nationalism |
concern for or devotion to one's own nation, esp. desire for national progress, defense, or independence. [2 definitions] |
nationality |
the condition of belonging to a particular nation by virtue of birth or naturalization. [4 definitions] |
nationwide |
throughout or over the entire nation. |
native |
being the place of birth or origin. [8 definitions] |
Native American |
a member of any of the peoples who have lived in North, Central, or South America since the time before the Europeans arrived; American Indian. [2 definitions] |
abbreviation of "North Atlantic Treaty Organization." |
natural |
of, pertaining to, produced by, or existing in nature. [9 definitions] |
natural gas |
a mixture of hydrocarbon gases occurring naturally in the earth's crust, usu. with petroleum deposits, that is used chiefly for fuel. |
natural history |
the study of botany, zoology, geology, and other sciences that deal with objects in nature or the physical world. |
naturalist |
a person who has expertise in or is devoted to the study of the natural sciences, esp. botany and zoology. [2 definitions] |
naturalize |
to confer citizenship on. [4 definitions] |
naturally |
in accordance with nature and not through a man-made process. [4 definitions] |
natural resource |
a source of economic wealth and prosperity that derives from nature, such as fresh water, mineral deposits, timber, wildlife, and park land. |
nature |
the essential character or quality of a person or thing. [9 definitions] |
naught |
the number zero. [2 definitions] |
naughty |
misbehaving or mischievous. [2 definitions] |
Nauru |
a Pacific island country slightly south of the equator and northeast of New Guinea. |
nausea |
a stomach disturbance marked by vomiting or the impulse to vomit; queasiness. [2 definitions] |
nautical |
of, relating to, or characteristic of the sea, sea transport, or sailors; naval or marine. |