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nationwide throughout or over the entire nation.
native being the place of birth or origin. [8 definitions]
Native American a member of any of the peoples who have lived in North, Central, or South America since the time before the Europeans arrived; American Indian. [2 definitions]
NATO abbreviation of "North Atlantic Treaty Organization."
natural of, pertaining to, produced by, or existing in nature. [9 definitions]
natural gas a mixture of hydrocarbon gases occurring naturally in the earth's crust, usu. with petroleum deposits, that is used chiefly for fuel.
natural history the study of botany, zoology, geology, and other sciences that deal with objects in nature or the physical world.
naturalist a person who has expertise in or is devoted to the study of the natural sciences, esp. botany and zoology. [2 definitions]
naturalize to confer citizenship on. [4 definitions]
naturally in accordance with nature and not through a man-made process. [4 definitions]
natural resource a source of economic wealth and prosperity that derives from nature, such as fresh water, mineral deposits, timber, wildlife, and park land.
nature the essential character or quality of a person or thing. [9 definitions]
naught the number zero. [2 definitions]
naughty misbehaving or mischievous. [2 definitions]
Nauru a Pacific island country slightly south of the equator and northeast of New Guinea.
nausea a stomach disturbance marked by vomiting or the impulse to vomit; queasiness. [2 definitions]
nautical of, relating to, or characteristic of the sea, sea transport, or sailors; naval or marine.
nautical mile a unit of length equal to 1.852 kilometers or 6,076.1 feet, used in sea and air navigation.
Navajo a member of a tribe of North American Indians occupying parts of Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah. [3 definitions]
naval of or pertaining to ships, esp. those of a navy. [2 definitions]
navel the place on the abdomen of a mammal where the umbilical cord of the fetus was attached; umbilicus. [2 definitions]