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needlework work done with a needle and thread as decoration; embroidery.
needn't shortened form of "need not."
needy needing things such as food, money, family, or love.
negative saying or meaning "no." [7 definitions]
neglect to pay too little or no attention to. [5 definitions]
negligent not showing proper concern; careless.
negotiate to bargain or come to an agreement with another person.
negotiation (often plural) discussions meant to help people agree on something.
Negro (old-fashioned) relating to a Black person or Black people. [2 definitions]
Negro leagues former U.S. baseball leagues in which all players were Black. The Negro leagues were at their peak from the 1920s to the early 1950s. In the late 1940s, Black players began to be asked to join the U.S. major leagues and eventually the Negro leagues disappeared.
neigh to make the sound of a horse; whinny. [2 definitions]
neighbor a person who lives close to someone else. [4 definitions]
neighborhood the part of a town or city in which one lives, or an area in a city or town that is distinctive because a particular community lives there or because the area has a special character. [2 definitions]
neighboring located close by or next to something.
neighborly like a kind neighbor; friendly or helpful.
neighbour a spelling of "neighbor" used in Canada and Britain. See "neighbor" for more information.
neighbourhood a spelling of "neighborhood" used in Canada and Britain. See "neighborhood" for more information.
neighbourly a spelling of "neighborly" used in Canada and Britain. See "neighborly" for more information.
neither not one or the other of two; not either (usually paired with "nor" in a sentence). [3 definitions]
neon a gas that is one of the chemical elements. Neon is used in making electric signs, because it glows orange when an electric current passes through it. (symbol: Ne) [2 definitions]
Nepal a country in southern Asia. Kathmandu is the capital of Nepal.