neutron |
a small particle present in the nucleus of all atoms except the hydrogen atom. Neutrons have no electrical charge. The mass of a neutron is about equal to the mass of a proton. |
Nevada |
a state in the western United States. Its capital is Carson City. (abbreviated: NV) |
never |
not on any occasion; not at any time. [2 definitions] |
nevertheless |
however; still. |
new |
having recently arrived, been produced, or come into being. [4 definitions] |
newbie |
(informal) someone who is new to something, especially playing computer games or using the internet. |
newborn |
just born. [3 definitions] |
New Brunswick |
a province in southeastern Canada. Its capital is Fredericton. |
newcomer |
one who arrived not long ago. |
New England |
the six states in the northeastern corner of the United States; Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont, and Maine. |
newfangled |
new and different, but not always better. |
Newfoundland |
an eastern province of Canada, including the island of Newfoundland in the Atlantic Ocean. The full name of the province is Newfoundland & Labrador. Its capital is St. John's. |
Newfoundland and Labrador |
a province in northeastern Canada. Labrador lies on Canada's mainland, and Newfoundland is a large neighboring island. The province also contains many smaller islands. |
New Hampshire |
a state in the northeastern United States. Its capital is Concord. (abbreviated: NH) |
New Jersey |
a state in the eastern United States on the Atlantic Coast. Its capital is Trenton. (abbreviated: NJ) |
newly |
recently. [2 definitions] |
New Mexico |
a state in the southwestern United States. Its capital is Santa Fe. (abbreviated: NM) |
new moon |
the phase of the moon when it cannot be seen because it passes directly between the sun and the earth. |
news |
(used with a singular verb) a report of recent important events, read out on the television or radio, or printed in a newspaper, magazine, or Web site. |
newscast |
a program on television or radio that presents the news. |
newsgroup |
a discussion group on a computer network such as the Internet in which people leave messages for each other on topics they are all interested in. |