noun |
a word that names a person, place, thing, or condition. A noun may be the subject of a sentence or the object of a verb or preposition. |
nourish |
to supply with food needed for life and growth. [2 definitions] |
nourishment |
something needed for life and growth; food. |
Nov. |
abbreviation of "November." |
Nova Scotia |
a province in southeastern Canada on the Atlantic coast. Its capital is Halifax. |
novel1 |
a long work of fiction, usually having a plot and characters. |
novel2 |
new and unusual. |
novelty |
the quality of being new or unusual. [3 definitions] |
November |
the eleventh month of the year. November has thirty days. |
novice |
a person with little or no experience at a particular job or activity. [2 definitions] |
now |
at this time or in these times. [7 definitions] |
nowadays |
during these present times. |
now and again |
sometimes; occasionally. |
now and then |
sometimes; every once and a while. |
nowhere |
not anywhere; in no place. [5 definitions] |
nozzle |
a narrow spout fitted to the end of a hose or pipe. A nozzle is used to control the flow or spray of a liquid or gas. |
nuclear |
of, or having to do with, or being the nucleus of an atom or a cell. [3 definitions] |
nuclear energy |
energy released from the nuclei of atoms, either by splitting or by fusing them. |
nuclei |
plural of "nucleus." |
nucleus |
the central, essential, or most active part around which other parts are grouped. [3 definitions] |
nude |
not wearing clothes. [3 definitions] |