number plate |
(chiefly British) a metal tag or plate displayed on a motor vehicle and bearing a registration number that qualifies the vehicle as legal to drive on public highways and roads; license plate. |
numeral |
one or more symbols or marks used to express or represent a number. [3 definitions] |
numerator |
the number in a fraction that appears above the line, over the denominator. [3 definitions] |
numerical |
of or pertaining to numbers. [3 definitions] |
numerous |
existing in great number; many. [2 definitions] |
nun1 |
a woman who is a member of a religious order, esp. one who has taken vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience, and lives in a convent. |
Nunavut |
a territory in northern Canada created from eastern portions of the Northwest Territories in the late 1990s. |
nurse |
someone who cares for the sick or feeble, esp. under the guidance of a doctor. [11 definitions] |
nursery |
a room where babies or young children sleep or play. [3 definitions] |
nursery school |
a school for children below kindergarten age. |
nurse's office |
in a school, the office of the school's nurse, where students go for assistance if they are injured or do not feel well during school. |
nut |
a dry seed or fruit composed of a usu. edible kernel, or "meat," encased in a woody or leathery shell. [6 definitions] |
nutcracker |
a hinged implement for cracking the shell of a nut. |
nuthatch |
any of various small birds with a short tail, a long, narrow, sharp beak, and agility in climbing about on tree trunks and branches in search of insects. |
nutmeat |
the edible portion of a nut. |
nutmeg |
the fragrant seed of an evergreen East Indian tree or of similar trees, often ground and used as a spice. [2 definitions] |
nutria |
a South American water animal similar to the beaver; coypu. [2 definitions] |
nutrient |
providing or being food; having nourishing qualities. [2 definitions] |
nutrition |
the act or process of ingesting and using nutrients or of providing nourishment. [3 definitions] |
nutritious |
containing a large proportion or a high concentration of nutrients. |
nutshell |
the hard outer covering of a nut. |