obsolete |
no longer in use. |
obstacle |
something that stops forward movement or progress. |
obstinate |
not willing to change one's ideas; stubborn. |
obstruct |
to block or clog. [3 definitions] |
obstruction |
something that blocks the way or prevents progress. [2 definitions] |
obtain |
to get; gain. |
obtuse angle |
an angle greater than 90 degrees and less than 180 degrees. |
obvious |
easily seen or understood; clear. |
obviously |
in a way that is easy to see or understand; clearly. |
occasion |
an event or the time at which it happens. [3 definitions] |
occasional |
happening now and then or not too often. |
occasionally |
at times; now and then; not frequently. |
occupant |
someone who lives or works in a place or fills a position. |
occupation |
the work a person does to earn a living; profession. [5 definitions] |
occupy |
to take and control. [4 definitions] |
occur |
to take place; happen. [3 definitions] |
occurrence |
the process or fact of taking place or happening. [2 definitions] |
ocean |
the vast body of salt water covering about three quarters of the earth's surface. [2 definitions] |
Oceania |
the region of the earth that includes all the islands of the central, western, and southern Pacific Ocean. Oceania includes many small island nations such as Fiji, Tonga, Kiribati, Solomon Islands, and Vanuatu. Sometimes Oceania is considered to include Australia, New Zealand, and the islands of southeast Asia. |
oceanography |
the science that studies the oceans and the animals and plants that live in oceans. |
ocelot |
a wild cat with yellow or brown fur and black spots or stripes. Ocelots look like leopards but are smaller. They live in South and Central America, sometimes as far north as Texas. They are carnivorous mammals that eat birds, snakes, and small mammals. |