offence |
a spelling of "offense" used in Canada and Britain. See "offense" for more information. |
offend |
to anger, annoy, or provoke resentment in. [5 definitions] |
offense |
a violation of a law, rule, or standard of conduct; crime, sin, or breach of good conduct. [6 definitions] |
offensive |
unpleasant; disagreeable; repugnant. [6 definitions] |
offer |
to present for acceptance or refusal. [14 definitions] |
offering |
the act or process of making an offer. [4 definitions] |
off guard |
unprepared. |
offhand |
unthinkingly, or without serious consideration, advance preparation, or precise calculation. [3 definitions] |
office |
a place where business or professional transactions are conducted. [8 definitions] |
office building |
a building that contains only, or primarily, business offices. |
officer |
a person holding a position of trust and responsibility in a business organization or government agency. [3 definitions] |
official |
a person who performs a specific function or holds an office in a business organization or a government. [4 definitions] |
off-road |
of a type of vehicle used primarily for areas other than streets and highways, such as a dune buggy. |
offset |
to balance or compensate for. [9 definitions] |
offshoot |
a branch or shoot from a main stem, as of a plant. [2 definitions] |
offshore |
away from the shore. [4 definitions] |
offspring |
the child, young, or descendant of a particular parent or ancestor. [2 definitions] |
off the air |
not broadcast on radio or television. |
off the beaten path |
in a place difficult to reach or not often visited. [2 definitions] |
off the beaten track |
in a place difficult to reach or not often visited. [2 definitions] |
off the cuff |
(informal) in an unplanned manner; without much forethought. [2 definitions] |