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oil well a well from which petroleum is drawn or pumped.
oily of or like oil. [2 definitions]
ointment a soft, oily substance made to be rubbed into the skin. Ointment may be used as medicine or to soften the skin.
Ojibwa a member of an American Indian people living around Lake Superior in the United States and Canada.
OK1 (informal) all right; satisfactory. [5 definitions]
OK2 abbreviation of "Oklahoma."
okay another spelling of OK.
Oklahoma a state in the southwestern United States. Its capital is Oklahoma City. (abbreviated: OK)
okra a green vegetable that is shaped like a tube. Okra becomes sticky when cooked and is used in soups or fried. [2 definitions]
old having lived for many years; not young. [5 definitions]
olden of or having to do with ancient times.
Old English the English language as it was spoken from about 450 to about 1400.
old-fashioned looking or being like past styles, manners, or ways of behaving. [2 definitions]
Old Testament the Christian name for the writings that make up the first major part of the Bible. The Old Testament is also part of the Hebrew scriptures.
old-time of, concerning, or typical of a time in the past.
Old World the Eastern Hemisphere, which includes Europe, Asia, Australia, and Africa.
oleomargarine a food like butter made from vegetable oil instead of milk; margarine.
olive a small green or black fruit with a pit. Olives are eaten raw or used to make olive oil. [4 definitions]
olive oil oil pressed from ripe olives. Olive oil is used for cooking.
Olympic of or relating to the Olympic Games.
Olympus a mountain in northern Greece, believed in ancient times to be the place where the gods lived; Mount Olympus.