-or1 |
a variant of -er1. |
OR1 |
abbreviation of "Oregon," a northwestern U.S. state on the Pacific coast between Washington and California. |
OR2 |
abbreviation of "operating room." |
or |
used to indicate alternatives. [5 definitions] |
oral |
spoken, as opposed to written; accomplished by speaking. [3 definitions] |
orange |
a spherical fruit with a reddish yellow rind and a sweet, acidic, edible pulp on the inside. [5 definitions] |
orangeade |
a soft drink made with orange juice or orange flavoring. |
orangutan |
a large, tree-dwelling ape of Borneo and Sumatra that has long arms and long, reddish brown hair. |
orbit |
the curved path in which a planet, satellite, or spacecraft revolves about another body. [7 definitions] |
orchard |
an area of land planted with fruit or nut trees. [2 definitions] |
orchestra |
a group of musicians who play various instruments and perform together. [3 definitions] |
orchid |
any of numerous mostly tropical plants that bear blossoms of various and exotic colors and shapes. [3 definitions] |
ordain |
to proclaim or authorize (a person) to be a Christian priest or minister, or a rabbi, esp. by a formal ceremony. [4 definitions] |
ordeal |
a painful, exhausting, or emotionally trying experience, esp. when regarded as a test of a person's endurance or character. [2 definitions] |
order |
a direction or command. [17 definitions] |
orderly |
characterized by a neat and methodical arrangement. [5 definitions] |
ordinal number |
any number that is used to express order in a series, such as first, second, or tenth. (Cf. cardinal number.) |
ordinarily |
as a rule; usually. [2 definitions] |
ordinary |
usual or normal. [5 definitions] |
Ore. |
abbreviation of "Oregon." |
ore |
a mineral or rock substance from which a metal or other useful element or compound can be extracted. |