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Oregon a northwestern U.S. state on the Pacific coast between Washington and California. (abbr.: OR)
or else or you will be sorry.
organ a musical instrument consisting of a keyboard attached to a device that forces air through a number of pipes to produce a wide range of sounds; pipe organ. [4 definitions]
organic of or pertaining to compounds that contain carbon. (Cf. inorganic.) [6 definitions]
organism any single living being, such as an animal, plant, fungus, or bacterium. [2 definitions]
organization the act or process of organizing. [3 definitions]
organize to set in order; arrange in a systematic pattern. [6 definitions]
organized set in order; arranged in a systematic pattern. [3 definitions]
orient (cap., outdated) the regions east and southeast of southern Europe, esp. the Far East (usu. prec. by "the"); the East. [6 definitions]
oriental (often cap.) of, from, pertaining to, or characteristic of the Orient or its peoples, cultures, or the like. [3 definitions]
orientation the act or process of orienting, or the condition of being oriented. [5 definitions]
origami the Japanese art or technique of folding paper into ornamental or representational figures. [2 definitions]
origin the point or moment of arising; source. [3 definitions]
original first in order of succession. [8 definitions]
originality the capacity to think or act as an individual or in an original way. [3 definitions]
originally with reference to source or origin. [3 definitions]
originate to arise or come into being. [3 definitions]
Orinoco River a major river of South America that starts near the Venezuelan border with Brazil, flows across Venezuela, then along the border with Colombia, and finally empties into the Atlantic Ocean.
oriole a member of either of two families of birds in which the males have black and bright yellow or orange plumage.
Orion in Greek mythology, a giant hunter who was killed by Artemis. [2 definitions]
ornament something that is added to beautify or improve appearance; decoration. [5 definitions]