ouch |
a word used to express sudden pain. |
ought |
used to express the need to do something because of duty or responsibility. [3 definitions] |
ounce1 |
a unit of weight equal to one sixteenth of a pound or 28.350 grams. (abbreviated: oz.) [3 definitions] |
our |
belonging to, done by, or having to do with us. |
ours |
the one or ones that belong to, are done by, or have to do with us. |
ourselves |
our own selves (used to show that an action is done to the same people who are doing the action). [3 definitions] |
-ous |
a suffix that means "having much" or "full of." |
oust |
to force out; expel. |
out |
beyond the limits; away. [13 definitions] |
out- |
a prefix that means "out," "outside," or "outward." [2 definitions] |
outboard motor |
a small gasoline engine with a propeller, which is attached to the stern of a boat. |
outbreak |
a sudden breaking out. [2 definitions] |
outburst |
a sudden coming forth of strong feeling. |
outcast |
one who is driven out or rejected by society or a group. |
outcome |
a result of something. |
outcry |
a loud cry, shout, or uproar. [2 definitions] |
outdated |
not in fashion or no longer in use. |
outdid |
past tense of "outdo." |
outdo |
to do more or better than. |
outdone |
past participle of "outdo." |
outdoor |
used or happening in the open air. |