outburst |
a bursting forth or out, as of activity or emotion; eruption. |
outcast |
one who is cast out or rejected by society or a group. [2 definitions] |
outcome |
a result of something; consequence. |
outcry |
a loud cry, shout, or uproar. [2 definitions] |
outdated |
unfashionable or obsolete; out of date. |
outdid |
past tense of "outdo." |
outdo |
to do more or better than; surpass or exceed. |
outdone |
past participle of "outdo." |
outdoor |
characteristic of or happening in the open air. |
outdoors |
in the open air; outside. [2 definitions] |
outer |
of or pertaining to that part farthest from the center. |
outer space |
space beyond the defined boundaries of a celestial body, esp. the earth. |
outfield |
the area of a baseball field beyond the infield. [2 definitions] |
outfit |
a set of articles assembled for a particular activity. [5 definitions] |
outgoing |
going out or leaving, as a vessel; outbound. [3 definitions] |
outgrew |
past tense of "outgrow." |
outgrow |
to grow too big or old for. [3 definitions] |
outgrown |
past participle of "outgrow." |
outhouse |
an outbuilding, often a small shed housing an outdoor toilet; privy. |
outing |
a trip away from home or school, for a day or less, usu. for pleasure; excursion or field trip. [2 definitions] |
outlaw |
one whose activities repeatedly violate the law; habitual criminal. [5 definitions] |