outer |
of or having to do with the part most distant from the center. |
outer space |
region beyond the atmosphere of the earth. |
outfield |
the area of a baseball or softball field beyond the infield. [2 definitions] |
outfit |
a set of equipment for a particular activity. [4 definitions] |
outgoing |
going out or leaving. [2 definitions] |
outgrew |
past tense of "outgrow." |
outgrow |
to grow too big or old for. [3 definitions] |
outgrown |
past participle of "outgrow." |
outhouse |
a small shed used for an outdoor toilet. |
outing |
a trip away from home or school for pleasure; field trip. |
outlaw |
a person who often breaks the law; criminal. [2 definitions] |
outlet |
an opening through which something is let out or allowed to escape; vent. [4 definitions] |
outline |
a line or shape showing the outside edge of a figure or object. [4 definitions] |
outlook |
what may come in the future. [2 definitions] |
outlying |
away from the center of something; distant. |
outnumber |
to be larger in number than. |
out of |
resulting from; due to. [3 definitions] |
out of bounds |
beyond a boundary or a set limit. |
out of commission |
not in working condition. |
out-of-date |
old-fashioned or no longer in use. |
out of date |
not modern or in fashion. |