overflow |
to flow over the top edge of a containing channel or receptacle. [10 definitions] |
overgrew |
past tense of "overgrow." |
overgrow |
to spread over with a thick cover of foliage. [2 definitions] |
overgrown |
past participle of "overgrow." |
overhand |
with the palm downward. [4 definitions] |
overharvest |
to harvest excessively so that the supply becomes depleted. |
overhaul |
to go over thoroughly, taking apart as necessary and making all needed repairs. [3 definitions] |
overhead |
at any height directly or generally above the head. [5 definitions] |
overhear |
to hear (someone speaking) without his or her knowledge. |
overheard |
past tense and past participle of "overhear." |
overjoyed |
overflowing with joy; exceedingly happy. |
overlap |
to cover or extend over part of. [6 definitions] |
overload |
to put too heavy or great a load in or on; overburden. [2 definitions] |
overlook |
to fail to notice, perceive, or consider. [6 definitions] |
overnight |
for a single night. [6 definitions] |
over one's head |
beyond one's ability to understand. [3 definitions] |
overpass |
the place where a road, railroad, or viaduct crosses over another by means of abridge. |
overpower |
to overcome by greater force. [3 definitions] |
overran |
past tense of "overrun." |
overrule |
to rule against or disallow (an argument, petition, objection, or the like). [3 definitions] |
overrun |
to sweep across and dominate quickly, as an invading population, or a plague. [7 definitions] |