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pale lacking intensity of color. [5 definitions]
paleontology the scientific study of life in past geologic periods through examination of animal and plant fossils.
Paleozoic of, relating to, or designating the geological era between the Precambrian and Mesozoic, from approximately 600 million to 220 million years ago, when the first fishes, amphibians, reptiles, insects, and land plants appeared. [2 definitions]
Palestine a Middle Eastern region on the land of ancient Canaan and modern Israel, including disputed territories on the West Bank and the Gaza Strip that are now governed by Israel; Holy Land.
Palestinian a native of Palestine, esp. an Arab, or a descendant thereof. [3 definitions]
palette a thin, often oval board, usu. with a thumb hole, on which a painter holds and mixes colors. [2 definitions]
palisade a tall strong fence of pointed stakes. [3 definitions]
pallet1 a small or temporary bed, or mattress stuffed with straw.
palm1 the inner surface of the hand, between the wrist and the base of the fingers. [4 definitions]
palm2 any of numerous mainly tropical evergreen plants, usu. an unbranched tree having a crown of large divided leaves, or fronds. [3 definitions]
palmetto any of various low-growing palms that have fan-shaped leaves.
palm off to sell or get someone to accept (something) by deception, as by misrepresenting it.
palomino one of a breed of horses that has a golden or tan coat and a whitish mane and tail.
pamper to treat or please with an uncommon or excessive amount of care, attention, or indulgence; coddle.
pamphlet a short printed publication that is unbound or has a paper binding, often written to inform on some topic or to address a controversial public issue.
Pan in Greek mythology, the god of woods and fields and the protector of shepherds and flocks, represented with the legs and sometimes the horns and ears of a goat; Faunus.
pan an open, shallow container, usu. made of metal, designed for cooking, baking, or other household uses. [6 definitions]
Panama a Central American country on the border of South America. [3 definitions]
pancake a flat round cake of batter fried on both sides on a griddle or frying pan; hotcake; griddlecake. [4 definitions]
pancreas a gland located near the stomach that secretes a digestive juice into the intestine and insulin into the blood.
panda a large bearlike mammal of China and Tibet that has woolly fur with dramatic black and white markings, including black rings around the eyes; giant panda. [2 definitions]