panel |
a section, as of a door, wall, or the like, usu. flat and often set apart from the surrounding area by being raised, recessed, or decorated. [7 definitions] |
pang |
a sudden, sharp pain. [2 definitions] |
pangolin |
a toothless mammal of Africa and Asia that feeds on ants and termites and rolls into a ball when attacked; scaly anteater. |
panic |
a sudden, usu. irrational terror that often provokes wild behavior and spreads to many other individuals. [6 definitions] |
panorama |
a full, wide view of an extensive area. [3 definitions] |
pansy |
a garden plant, related to the violet, that has flat, rounded, velvety flowers of various intense colors, or the flower of this plant. |
pant |
to breathe in rapid short gasps, as after hard exercise. [5 definitions] |
panther |
a leopard, esp. a black one with no spots. [2 definitions] |
pantomime |
a type of theatrical performance in which stories, meanings, or emotions are expressed by gestures, movements, and facial expressions, usu. without speech; mime. [5 definitions] |
pantry |
a small room, usu. adjoining a kitchen, where kitchen and table supplies and food are kept. [2 definitions] |
pants |
an outer garment that covers the area below the waist, reaching any of various lengths down to the feet, and covering each leg separately; trousers. [2 definitions] |
pantyhose |
a close-fitting, see-through, stretchable garment worm by women that covers the feet, legs, and lower torso. |
papa |
(informal) father; dad. |
papaya |
the oblong yellow fruit of a palmlike tropical American tree, or the tree itself. |
paper |
a thin substance made from any of a variety of fibrous materials, used for writing, wrapping, decorating walls, and the like. [12 definitions] |
paperback |
a book having a flexible paper cover. [2 definitions] |
paper clip |
a flexible wire or plastic clasp bent into loops, that holds papers together. |
paper towel |
a small sheet of absorbent paper used primarily in the kitchen as a towel for wiping surfaces, cleaning up spills, and the like. |
papoose |
a North American Indian baby or young child. |
paprika |
a powdered reddish seasoning made from dried sweet red peppers. |
Papua New Guinea |
a Pacific island country that consists mainly of the eastern end of the island of New Guinea, which it shares with Indonesia. |