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papoose a North American Indian baby or young child.
paprika a powdered reddish seasoning made from dried sweet red peppers.
Papua New Guinea a Pacific island country that consists mainly of the eastern end of the island of New Guinea, which it shares with Indonesia.
papyrus a tall reedlike water plant of the Nile valley. [3 definitions]
par the norm or the average in amount or degree; standard. [7 definitions]
parable a brief story told as a moral or religious lesson, esp. one that uses allegory or symbolism.
parachute a large device made of strong, thin cloth and attached cords in a conical arrangement, forming an umbrella that slows the descent of a person or heavy object, esp. one that has jumped or been dropped from an airplane. [4 definitions]
parade a public procession of people or things, esp. on the occasion of a celebration or ceremony, and usu. including band music. [9 definitions]
paradise (sometimes cap.) the final destination of virtuous souls; heaven. [3 definitions]
paraffin an odorless waxy white substance derived from petroleum, wood, or coal and used to make candles, sealing materials, and waxed paper. [3 definitions]
paragraph in a written article, composition, speech, or the like, a distinct section composed of one or more sentences that is related to the main point but that expresses an idea in itself and begins on a new line, usually indented. [3 definitions]
Paraguay a central South American country between Argentina and Brazil.
Paraguay River a large river in South America that begins in southwestern Brazil, flows through Paraguay and along its border with Argentina, finally joining the Paraná River at the southwestern tip of Paraguay.
parakeet a variety of small parrot, usu. having a long tapered tail.
parallel extending in the same direction and being the same distance apart at every point. [9 definitions]
parallelogram a four-sided plane figure that has opposite sides parallel and equal to each other.
paralyse a spelling of "paralyze" used in Canada and Britain. See "paralyze" for more information.
paralysis partial or complete loss of sensation or the ability to move in a body part, caused by injury or disease of the nervous system. [2 definitions]
paralyze to render partly or completely unable to move or feel sensations, as by an injury or disease. [2 definitions]
paralyzed unable to move or unable to feel sensation due to neurological damage or the effect of a drug; affected with paralysis. [2 definitions]
paramecium any of several one-celled protozoans that move by means of cilia and have a large oral groove.