parlor |
a room in a house, hotel, restaurant, or the like for conversation or entertaining guests. [2 definitions] |
parochial |
of or concerning a church parish. [2 definitions] |
parole |
the release of a prisoner before his or her punishment is finished, with conditions of good behavior to be fulfilled. [3 definitions] |
parrot |
any of numerous tropical birds that have brightly colored plumage, a heavy short hooked bill, and often the ability to imitate speech. [3 definitions] |
parsley |
any of several garden herbs, usu. having finely divided crinkled leaves, used to season or decorate food. |
parsnip |
a carrotlike plant that bears yellow flowers and has a large, whitish, edible root. [2 definitions] |
parson |
a clergyman, esp. in a Protestant church; minister. |
part |
a separate portion or segment of a whole. [18 definitions] |
part company |
to terminate a friendship or association. |
partial |
not complete. [4 definitions] |
partially |
partly; not completely. |
participant |
a person who participates or takes part. [2 definitions] |
participate |
to take part; share (usu. fol. by "in"). |
participation |
the act or an instance of participating. [2 definitions] |
participle |
in grammar, a verb form that combines with certain auxiliary verbs ("be" or "have") to give a verb in a sentence a particular aspect, either "perfect" or "progressive," or voice, either "active" or "passive." Participles can also serve the function of adjectives. |
particle |
a minute quantity or piece; speck; trace. [2 definitions] |
particular |
of or pertaining to a single person, thing, or event and only to that single person, thing, or event. [7 definitions] |
particularly |
in or to an unusual or particular degree. [3 definitions] |
partition |
the division of something, such as a territory, enclosure, or concept, into parts. [6 definitions] |
partly |
in some degree or measure; in part. |
partner |
a person associated with another in a common activity; associate. [6 definitions] |