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parrot any of numerous tropical birds that have brightly colored plumage, a heavy short hooked bill, and often the ability to imitate speech. [3 definitions]
parsley any of several garden herbs, usu. having finely divided crinkled leaves, used to season or decorate food.
parsnip a carrotlike plant that bears yellow flowers and has a large, whitish, edible root. [2 definitions]
parson a clergyman, esp. in a Protestant church; minister.
part a separate portion or segment of a whole. [18 definitions]
part company to terminate a friendship or association.
partial not complete. [4 definitions]
partially partly; not completely.
participant a person who participates or takes part. [2 definitions]
participate to take part; share (usu. fol. by "in").
participation the act or an instance of participating. [2 definitions]
participle in grammar, a verb form that combines with certain auxiliary verbs ("be" or "have") to give a verb in a sentence a particular aspect, either "perfect" or "progressive," or voice, either "active" or "passive." Participles can also serve the function of adjectives.
particle a minute quantity or piece; speck; trace. [2 definitions]
particular of or pertaining to a single person, thing, or event and only to that single person, thing, or event. [7 definitions]
particularly in or to an unusual or particular degree. [3 definitions]
partition the division of something, such as a territory, enclosure, or concept, into parts. [6 definitions]
partly in some degree or measure; in part.
partner a person associated with another in a common activity; associate. [6 definitions]
partnership in law, the joint ownership of a business. [2 definitions]
part of speech in grammar, one of the major categories by which words have traditionally been grouped, primarily according to their function, such as adjective, adverb, conjunction, interjection, noun, preposition, pronoun, and verb, in English.
partridge any of various stout-bodied game birds, including the grouse and bobwhite, usu. having brownish or grayish plumage.