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passing going by, in position or time. [6 definitions]
passion any strong or intense feeling or emotion, esp. love, sexual desire, or hatred. [4 definitions]
passionate capable of or showing strong emotions. [4 definitions]
passive receiving an action without acting in return, or being unresponsive to something that affects or might be expected to affect one directly. [6 definitions]
pass out to faint or lose consciousness. [2 definitions]
Passover a Jewish festival, beginning on the fourteenth day of Nisan and lasting seven or eight days, that celebrates the escape of the ancient Hebrews from Egypt.
passport a government-issued document that identifies and certifies the holder as a citizen of a nation and entitles him or her to travel in other nations and return to his or her own country. [3 definitions]
password a secret word, phrase, or selected set of letters and numbers used to identify oneself as one that is permitted to enter a place or have access to privileged information or data.
past gone by in time; not current. [16 definitions]
pasta a food made from flour, eggs, and water and dried in various thin forms, such as macaroni or spaghetti. [2 definitions]
paste1 a mixture of flour or starch, water, and often other ingredients, used as an adhesive for light materials such as paper. [7 definitions]
pastel a pale, soft color such as light pink, light blue, or light yellow. [5 definitions]
pasteurize to heat (milk, cheese, beer, or the like) to a high temperature for a certain period in order to kill most of the harmful bacteria and retard fermentation.
pastime an activity that makes the time pass pleasantly.
pastor a minister or priest in charge of a church or congregation.
past participle a participle that either indicates a completed action or past state, such as "broken" in "I have broken my arm," or serves as an adjective, as "broken" in "a broken toy".
pastry a dough of flour, shortening, and water that is baked and used for pie crusts and the like. [3 definitions]
past tense a form of a verb that shows that something happened in the past or that a condition existed in the past. In the sentence, "We baked a cake," "baked" is in the past tense.
pasture land or a piece of land on which animals are or can be put to graze. [5 definitions]
pat1 to strike or tap lightly with something flat, esp. the open palm or fingers, as to mold or shape. [5 definitions]
patch a small piece of material, esp. fabric, applied to a larger piece of the same or similar material to cover a hole or tear, or to strengthen a weakened place. [10 definitions]