peculiar |
odd, strange, or unusual. [2 definitions] |
peculiarity |
the state or fact of being odd or strange. [2 definitions] |
pedal |
a lever pushed by the foot to run or control a machine. [2 definitions] |
peddle |
to offer for sale on the street or from door to door. |
pedestal |
a support or base for a column, statue, or some other object. |
pedestrian |
a person who is walking. |
pedestrian crossing |
a marked path across a road where people can walk fairly safely because vehicles must stop for them. |
pediatrician |
a doctor who takes care of babies and children. |
pedigree |
a list or table of the ancestors of an animal or person. |
peek |
to look quickly or secretly. [2 definitions] |
peel1 |
to pull, tear, or cut the outer covering from. [5 definitions] |
peeler |
a kitchen tool used for removing the skin of vegetables, such as potatoes and carrots, or of thin-skinned fruits like apples. |
peep1 |
to look quickly or secretly through a narrow opening or from a hiding place. [3 definitions] |
peep2 |
a weak, sharp, short sound of a young bird. [3 definitions] |
peer1 |
a person of the same rank, age group, or ability as another person; equal. [2 definitions] |
peer2 |
to look hard or closely to see something better. [2 definitions] |
peg |
a small piece of wood or other material used to hold things, hold things together, fill a hole, or mark a spot. [3 definitions] |
Peking |
the capital city of China, known as Beijing. |
Pekingese |
a small breed of dog with short legs and long, silky, light brown hair. Pekingese were first bred in China. |
pelican |
a large water bird that lives in warm areas. It has a pouch in the lower half of its long bill for catching and holding fish. |
pellet |
a small bullet or small piece of shot. [2 definitions] |