peeler |
a kitchen tool used for removing the skin of vegetables, such as potatoes and carrots, or of thin-skinned fruits like apples. |
peep1 |
to look quickly or secretly through a narrow opening or from a hiding place. [3 definitions] |
peep2 |
a weak, sharp, short sound of a young bird. [3 definitions] |
peer1 |
a person of the same rank, age group, or ability as another person; equal. [2 definitions] |
peer2 |
to look hard or closely to see something better. [2 definitions] |
peg |
a small piece of wood or other material used to hold things, hold things together, fill a hole, or mark a spot. [3 definitions] |
Peking |
the capital city of China, known as Beijing. |
Pekingese |
a small breed of dog with short legs and long, silky, light brown hair. Pekingese were first bred in China. |
pelican |
a large water bird that lives in warm areas. It has a pouch in the lower half of its long bill for catching and holding fish. |
pellet |
a small bullet or small piece of shot. [2 definitions] |
pell-mell |
in a quick, confused, jumbled manner. |
pelt1 |
to attack by throwing things or by repeated blows. [2 definitions] |
pelt2 |
the skin or hide of an animal. |
pen1 |
a long, thin tool used for writing or drawing in ink. |
pen2 |
a small, fenced area for animals. [3 definitions] |
penalize |
to give penalty or punishment to. |
penalty |
a punishment given for breaking a law, rule, or agreement. [2 definitions] |
pence |
plural form of penny, used in the United Kingdom. |
pencil |
a long, thin tool used for writing or drawing. Pencils are made of a narrow stick of graphite held within a case of wood. [3 definitions] |
pencil sharpener |
a small device used for making pencils sharp. A pencil sharpener has a hole in one side where a pencil goes in and comes into contact with a blade. |
pendant |
something hanging as an ornament on a chain around the neck or on an earring. |