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pen2 a small, usu. fenced enclosure for animals. [3 definitions]
penalize to inflict a penalty on (a person or group). [3 definitions]
penalty a punishment inflicted or incurred for breaking a law or rule or for violating an agreement. [4 definitions]
pence plural form of "penny" used when referring to an amount of British currency rather than number of penny coins. One hundred pence is equal to one pound.
pencil an implement for writing, drawing, or marking that consists of a slender core of graphite, carbon, crayon, or the like, usu. enclosed in or held by a cylinder of wood, plastic, or metal. [4 definitions]
pencil sharpener a small device used for making pencils sharp. A pencil sharpener has a hole in one area where a pencil is to be inserted and where it comes into contact with a blade.
pendant something hanging as an ornament, esp. on a chain around the neck or on an earring. [3 definitions]
pendulum a weight suspended on a long cord, wire, or lever so as to swing back and forth under the influence of gravity.
penetrate to pierce or go into or through; enter or pass through the interior of. [7 definitions]
penguin any of various large, flightless, aquatic birds of the colder regions of the Southern Hemisphere that have webbed feet and short flipperlike wings.
penicillin any of several antibiotics derived naturally or synthetically from molds and used to treat various bacterial diseases and infections.
peninsula an area of land surrounded on nearly all sides by water, and connected to a mainland by a usu. narrow strip of land.
penis the male genital organ used for copulation and urination.
penitentiary a prison, esp. one operating under federal or state authority. [4 definitions]
penknife a small folding knife.
penmanship the art, skill, or manner of handwriting.
pen name a name used by an author in place of his or her real name; pseudonym; nom de plume.
pennant a long, tapering, usu. triangular or forked flag used on ships for signaling or for identification. [3 definitions]
penniless having no money at all; very poor.
Pennsylvania an eastern U.S. state south of New York. (abbr.: PA)
penny a coin of the United States and Canada worth one cent. [4 definitions]