penny |
a coin of the United States and Canada worth one cent. [4 definitions] |
pension |
a sum of money paid regularly by the government or a former employer as a retirement or disability benefit. [4 definitions] |
pentagon |
a polygon with five sides and five angles. [2 definitions] |
penthouse |
an apartment or other dwelling situated on the top floor or roof of a usu. tall building. [3 definitions] |
peony |
any of various garden plants that bear large pink, red, or white flowers. [2 definitions] |
people |
human beings; persons. [7 definitions] |
pep |
(informal) lively energy or spirit; vigor. [3 definitions] |
pepper |
a spicy condiment obtained from the dried, esp. black berries of any of various tropical vines of the East Indies. [8 definitions] |
pepper grinder |
a device used generally in the home or in a restaurant for grinding peppercorns; pepper mill. |
peppermint |
a kind of mint plant that bears small pink or white flowers and is grown for its sharp, pungent oil. [3 definitions] |
per |
for each. [2 definitions] |
per- |
through. [3 definitions] |
perceive |
to become aware of by means of the senses. [2 definitions] |
percent |
one part or unit of each hundred, or a fraction expressed as parts of a hundred. (abbr.: pct.) [3 definitions] |
percentage |
some portion of a whole based on a total of one hundred parts. [3 definitions] |
perception |
that which is received through the senses. [3 definitions] |
perch1 |
a rod, branch, or the like on which birds sit. [6 definitions] |
perch2 |
any of various edible freshwater fishes that have spiny fins. [2 definitions] |
percussion |
the forceful striking of one usu. hard object against another, esp. when sound is produced on impact. [4 definitions] |
percussion instrument |
a musical instrument, such as a drum, cymbal, xylophone, or piano, in which the sound is produced when some part is struck. |
perennial |
lasting throughout the year, for many years, or indefinitely; constant. [4 definitions] |