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peony a garden plant with large pink, red, or white flowers. [2 definitions]
people human beings; persons. [5 definitions]
pep (informal) lively energy or spirit. [2 definitions]
pepper a spice that comes from the dried berries of tropical vines in southeast Asia. [4 definitions]
pepper grinder a device used generally in the home or in a restaurant for grinding pepper.
peppermint a kind of mint plant that has small pink or white flowers and is grown for its oil. Peppermint is used in medicine and as a flavoring for toothpaste, gum, and candy. [3 definitions]
per for each.
per- a prefix that means "through."
perceive to become aware of through the senses. [2 definitions]
percent one part or unit of each hundred.
percentage some part of a whole based on a total of one hundred parts. [2 definitions]
perception the ability to become aware of or know through the senses. [2 definitions]
perch1 a branch or bar on which birds sit. [3 definitions]
perch2 a fish that lives in fresh water and has fins with spines. Perch are used for food.
percussion the striking of one hard object against another with force so that sound is produced. [2 definitions]
percussion instrument a musical instrument that is sounded when some part of it is struck. Pianos, drums, cymbals, and xylophones are percussion instruments.
perennial lasting throughout the year or for many years. [4 definitions]
perfect free from mistakes or faults. [4 definitions]
perfection the state or condition of being without a fault or mistake.
perfectly in a manner that is without a fault or mistake. [2 definitions]
perforate to make a hole in. [2 definitions]