perfectly |
in a perfect manner. [2 definitions] |
perforate |
to make a hole in. [3 definitions] |
perform |
to carry out; do; fulfill. [4 definitions] |
performance |
the act of doing, or carrying out; the act of performing. [3 definitions] |
performer |
a person who sings, acts, or does some form of entertainment for an audience; one who performs. |
perfume |
a substance, esp. a liquid, made from flowers or synthetically, that is worn on the body to give it a pleasant smell. [4 definitions] |
perhaps |
maybe; possibly. |
peril |
the condition of being in danger; jeopardy; risk. [3 definitions] |
perimeter |
the boundary or border of a closed, two-dimensional figure or area. [2 definitions] |
period |
a specific, limited interval or span of time. [8 definitions] |
periodic |
recurring or reappearing at regular intervals of time. [3 definitions] |
periodical |
a publication composed of issues that appear at regular intervals. [3 definitions] |
periscope |
a tubular optical instrument fitted with mirrors and prisms so as to allow one to see what is not in the direct line of sight or what is obstructed from sight. |
perish |
to die or be destroyed, esp. in an untimely or unnatural way. [2 definitions] |
perishable |
subject to death, decay, or destruction. [3 definitions] |
perjury |
the intentional giving of false testimony under oath in a court or other official proceeding. |
permanent |
existing or intended to exist indefinitely or perpetually; everlasting. [3 definitions] |
permission |
the act of permitting. [2 definitions] |
permit |
to allow the entrance or the presence of. [5 definitions] |
perpendicular |
at or forming a right angle to or with an intersecting line or plane. [7 definitions] |
perpetual |
lasting or continuing forever. [4 definitions] |