person |
a human being. [3 definitions] |
personal |
of, relating to, or belonging to a particular person. [3 definitions] |
personal computer |
a small computer used by one person or a few people; microcomputer. |
personality |
all of the qualities of a person that make that person different from others. [2 definitions] |
personally |
in person; without the aid of others. [4 definitions] |
personnel |
all of the people who work for a business or other organization. |
perspective |
a way of showing objects on the flat surface of a painting or drawing so that they seem the correct size and distance in relation to each another, and so that things that are further away are made to look as if they are further away. If the perspective in a drawing shows things accurately, three-dimensional objects will look three-dimensional even though they are being displayed on a flat surface. [3 definitions] |
perspiration |
the act or process of giving off moisture through the pores of the skin; sweating. Perspiration is the body's way of cooling off when it gets too hot. [2 definitions] |
perspire |
to give off moisture through the pores of the skin; sweat. |
persuade |
to cause to do something by using reason or argument. [2 definitions] |
persuasion |
the act of convincing someone to believe something or do something. [2 definitions] |
pertain |
to relate to or have to do with something. [2 definitions] |
pertinent |
having to do with or connected to a subject; relevant. |
Peru |
a country in western South America. Lima is the capital of Peru. |
peso |
the main unit of money in Mexico, Cuba, Argentina, and several other countries. |
pessimistic |
feeling in a negative way about things; expecting the worst to happen. |
pest |
an insect or animal that causes damage to crops or is harmful in other ways. [2 definitions] |
pester |
to bother again and again. |
pesticide |
a chemical substance used to kill insects that harm plants and crops. |
pestle |
a tool used for grinding or pounding substances into powder in a bowl called a mortar. |
pet1 |
a tame animal people keep in their homes as a companion or for pleasure. [4 definitions] |