phenomenal |
amazing or extraordinary. |
phenomenon |
a happening or fact that can be seen or known through the senses. [2 definitions] |
Philippine |
of or having to do with the Philippines, their people, culture, languages, or the like. |
Philippines |
an island country in the Pacific Ocean, off the coast of southeastern Asia. Manila is the capital of the Philippines. |
philodendron |
a tropical American climbing plant, grown indoors. |
philosopher |
one who studies the nature of life, truth, knowledge, and other important human matters. |
philosophy |
the study of the nature of life, truth, knowledge, and other important human matters, [2 definitions] |
phlox |
a North American plant that bears groups of white, purple, or red flowers. [2 definitions] |
phobia |
a very strong fear or dislike of something that is far beyond ordinary fear or dislike. |
Phoenix |
the capital of Arizona. |
phoenix |
(sometimes cap.) a beautiful bird in Egyptian mythology that lives for five hundred years, then sets itself on fire and rises alive again from the ashes. The phoenix is a symbol of immortality. |
-phone |
a suffix that means "sound." [2 definitions] |
phone1 |
a short form for "telephone." [2 definitions] |
phone booth |
a small enclosed structure containing a public telephone. |
phonetic |
relating to the method of representing speech sounds by symbols. [2 definitions] |
phonograph |
a machine that reproduces sound that has been recorded in the grooves of a disk; record player. |
phosphorus |
a substance that is a chemical element. One of the common forms of phosphorus is a poisonous yellow solid that glows in moist air. Phosphorus is important to living things. It is used in fertilizers to help plants grow. (symbol: P) |
photo |
(informal) a short form for "photograph." |
photo- |
a prefix that means "light." |
photograph |
a picture made by using a camera that records an image on a surface that is sensitive to light. [2 definitions] |
photographer |
a person whose job is to take photographs. |