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Philippines a Pacific island country across the South China Sea from Vietnam; Philippine Islands; Republic of the Philippines.
philodendron any of a variety of tropical American climbing plants, often grown as decorative houseplants.
philosopher one who studies the nature and principles of knowledge, truth, existence, and moral and aesthetic values. [3 definitions]
philosophy the study of the nature and principles of knowledge, truth, existence, and moral and aesthetic values. [3 definitions]
phlox any of a number of herbs that grow primarily in North America and bear clusters of white, purple, or reddish flowers. [2 definitions]
phobia a strong, persistent, irrational fear of, or aversion to, something.
Phoenix the capital of Arizona.
phoenix (sometimes cap.) in Egyptian mythology, a beautiful bird that lives for about five hundred years, sets itself on fire, and rises reborn from the ashes, symbolizing immortality.
-phone sound. [2 definitions]
phone1 a telephone. [4 definitions]
phonetic of or relating to phonetics. [3 definitions]
phonograph a machine that reproduces sound that has been recorded on a grooved disk; record player.
phosphorus a chemical element that has fifteen protons in each nucleus, that is found naturally only in compounds, esp. biologically essential compounds such as calcium phosphates and nucleotide phosphates, and that can be isolated in various allotropic forms, one of which is a poisonous whitish yellow solid that is luminous at room temperature because of slow oxidation. (symbol: P) [2 definitions]
photo (informal) a photograph.
photo- light. [2 definitions]
photograph a picture made by using a camera that records an image on a light-sensitive surface. [4 definitions]
photographer a person who takes photographs, esp. as an occupation.
photography the reproduction of an image on a light-sensitive surface. [3 definitions]
photosynthesis the process in plants by which sunlight, with the help of chlorophyll, is converted to chemical energy that is used to synthesize inorganic compounds into organic ones, esp. sugars.
phrase in grammar, a string of words that has meaning and grammatical order but does not have both a subject and a predicate. [11 definitions]
physical of the body. [4 definitions]