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physical education instruction in sports, exercise, and the care and hygiene of the human body, esp. as a course or program in a school or college.
physically in, with, or by means of the body.
physician a licensed medical doctor, esp. one who is not a surgeon. [2 definitions]
physicist a scientist whose specialty is physics.
physics (used with a sing. verb) the science that deals with matter and energy, their properties, and their interactions. [2 definitions]
pi the name of the sixteenth letter of the Greek alphabet. [2 definitions]
pianist one who plays the piano, esp. one who earns a living by doing so.
piano1 a large keyboard instrument with wire strings that are struck by small hammers attached to the ends of the keys.
piccolo a small flute with a pitch that is an octave higher than that of the standard flute.
pick1 to choose or select from a group. [14 definitions]
pick2 a sharp, pointed tool used for digging, breaking, or chipping rock, soil, or the like.
pickax a pick that has one flattened, chisel-shaped end. [2 definitions]
pickerel any of a number of North American pike, often caught for food or sport.
picket a pointed stake, post, or peg fixed into the ground, usu. used to make a fence or hold something in place. [5 definitions]
pickle a food, usu. cucumber, that has been preserved in a solution of salt, vinegar, and usu. seasonings. [4 definitions]
pick on (informal) to annoy or harass, either verbally or physically. [3 definitions]
pick out to choose. [2 definitions]
pickpocket a person who steals from pockets or purses, usu. in crowded or public places.
pickup the act of taking something onto or into a vehicle. [4 definitions]
pick up to take up (something) using one's hand or hands. [8 definitions]
pick up the tab to pay the bill, esp. at a bar or restaurant.