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pillar a tall, often cylindrical shaft used to support a structure or to serve as a decoration or monument; column. [4 definitions]
pill bug any of various small land isopods that are able to curl their segmented bodies into a pill-like ball.
pillory in former times, a wooden structure that had holes for fastening the head and hands of someone who had violated the law and had been sentenced to public ridicule. [3 definitions]
pillow a baglike case filled with soft stuffing and used for resting the head or for decoration. [4 definitions]
pillowcase a usu. cloth cover for a pillow that can be removed for cleaning.
pilot the operator of an aircraft. [6 definitions]
pimple a common, small, and often pus-filled inflammation and swelling of the skin.
pin a small, sharp piece of stiff wire with a flat or round head, often used to fasten or attach pieces of cloth or other similar material. [7 definitions]
pinafore a long apronlike piece of clothing designed to protect a dress. [2 definitions]
piņata a colorful decorated container, often in the shape of a star, animal, or popular character, that is filled with candies, gifts, or other treats. The container is suspended in the air so that children, blindfolded, may try to break it open so that the treats may be gathered from the ground. The piņata is of Latin American origin.
pinball machine an amusement machine played by driving a metal ball up an incline with mechanical levers, the object being to keep the ball in play to score points by hitting various bars and pins.
pinch to press forcefully between two surfaces, such as the fingers, parts of a tool, or the like. [11 definitions]
pincushion a small padded cushion used to store pins that are stuck into it.
pine1 any of numerous evergreen trees that have clustered, needle-shaped leaves and bear cones. [2 definitions]
pineapple the large, egg-shaped, yellow-fleshed, juicy fruit of a plant of the American tropics. [2 definitions]
Ping-Pong trademark for table tennis.
pink1 a pale reddish color; the color that results when white and red paint are mixed. [4 definitions]
pinkeye a contagious inflammation of the inner part of the eyelids, characterized by reddened eyes; conjunctivitis.
pinkie (informal) the finger farthest from the thumb; little finger.
pinniped of a suborder of carnivorous water mammals having finlike limbs, such as the walrus and seal. [2 definitions]
pinpoint anything that is exceptionally small, such as a spot of ink or a point on a map. [3 definitions]