pinwheel |
a toy that resembles a windmill secured on a stick by a pin, the wheel of which revolves in the wind or when blown upon. [3 definitions] |
pioneer |
someone who explores or goes to live in a place previously unexplored or uninhabited by many of his or her culture. [7 definitions] |
pious |
devoted to and dutiful toward a god or gods; religious. [4 definitions] |
pipe1 |
a usu. cylindrical tube of metal, plastic, wood, animal or plant tissue, or other material, through which a gas or liquid may flow. [13 definitions] |
pipeline |
a long, usu. capacious pipe for moving water, oil, gas, or the like, usu. from the point of production to a point of use or marketing. [3 definitions] |
piracy |
robbery or illegal attack at sea. [2 definitions] |
piranha |
any of various small freshwater fishes of South America that, in groups, often attack and eat large animals. |
pirate |
someone who, for private gain, attacks or plunders ships at sea or raids coastal settlements. [7 definitions] |
Pisces |
an autumn zodiacal constellation located between Aquarius and Aries; Fish. [4 definitions] |
pistachio |
an edible nut with a green tint, the tan shell of which is sometimes dyed red. [3 definitions] |
pistil |
the organ of a flower that contains the ovule or ovules. |
pistol |
a firearm made to be held and fired with one hand. [2 definitions] |
piston |
a usu. cylindrical machine part that moves up and down within a close-fitting sleeve and thereby powers an engine or the like. |
pit1 |
a comparatively wide and deep hole dug or existing in the ground. [14 definitions] |
pit2 |
the hard seed at the center of an apricot, cherry, plum, or certain other fruits. [2 definitions] |
pitch1 |
to throw or hurl (a ball, coin, spear, or other object). [23 definitions] |
pitch2 |
any of a number of thick, black, sticky materials derived from coal or wood tar and used for paving or sealing roads, roofs, and the like. [3 definitions] |
pitcher1 |
a vessel, usu. with a handle and spout, used to contain and pour liquids, esp. for drinking. [2 definitions] |
pitcher2 |
someone who throws or hurls a ball, coin, spear, or other object. [2 definitions] |
pitchfork |
a long, sharp, fork-shaped tool for moving hay, straw, or the like. [2 definitions] |
pitch in |
(informal) to contribute to a joint project; cooperate with others; help. [2 definitions] |