pluck |
to grab with the fingers and pull off; pick. [6 definitions] |
plug |
an object made of cork, rubber, or other material used to block an opening. [4 definitions] |
plug in |
to connect an electronic device to a power source. |
plum |
a type of fruit that has smooth red, purple, green, or yellow skin. It has sweet, soft flesh and a small, smooth pit inside. Plums grow on trees. |
plumage |
the feathers of a bird. |
plumb |
a small weight tied to a line. A plumb is used to measure the depth of water or to test if something is straight up and down. [5 definitions] |
plumber |
a person who fits and works on water pipes in buildings. |
plumbing |
the system of pipes in a building that brings water in and removes water and waste. [2 definitions] |
plume |
a large, fluffy, colorful feather. |
plummet |
to fall down very sharply and quickly. |
plump1 |
full and round in shape; chubby. [2 definitions] |
plunder |
to steal from by force. [2 definitions] |
plunge |
to thrust into something soft or liquid. [4 definitions] |
plural |
having to do with or naming the form of a word that signals more than one. [2 definitions] |
plus |
added to; made greater by adding. [5 definitions] |
plush |
a type of cloth having long, soft, thick fibers. [3 definitions] |
plus sign |
a mathematical sign (+) indicating addition or a positive quantity. |
Pluto |
the god of wealth and of the underworld in Greek mythology. [2 definitions] |
plutonium |
a radioactive chemical element. Plutonium is used to produce nuclear energy. (symbol: Pu) |
plywood |
a strong board made from thin layers of wood pressed and glued together. |
p.m. |
the time between noon and midnight. P.M. is the abbreviation of "post meridiem," meaning "after noon" in Latin. [2 definitions] |