press1 |
to bear down on with strong or moderate pressure. [16 definitions] |
pressure |
the applying of constant force upon a surface. [4 definitions] |
prestige |
importance, good reputation, or influence based on one's achievements, wealth, or the like. [3 definitions] |
presto |
at a very fast tempo (used as a musical direction). [5 definitions] |
presume |
to take as a matter of fact without questioning or without proof; take for granted; assume. [4 definitions] |
pretend |
to claim or represent falsely or insincerely in order to deceive. [7 definitions] |
pretty |
pleasing or attractive to the senses, esp. the eyes or ears. [5 definitions] |
pretzel |
a thin, crisp, glazed biscuit usu. shaped as a knot or stick and salted on the surface. [2 definitions] |
prevent |
to keep or stop from occurring or from doing something. [3 definitions] |
prevention |
the act or process of preventing. [2 definitions] |
preventive |
designed to serve as a hindrance or method of prevention. [4 definitions] |
preview |
an advance presentation or opening, as of a film, play, or exhibit, for a selected audience before viewing by the public. [4 definitions] |
previous |
occurring just before another. [2 definitions] |
previously |
just before another. [2 definitions] |
prey |
the object of a hunt or pursuit, usu. one animal caught and eaten by another. [7 definitions] |
price |
the sum of money or other goods required in exchange for an item or service; cost. [6 definitions] |
priceless |
having a worth greater than any price or calculation; invaluable. [2 definitions] |
prick |
a small mark or puncture made by something with a sharp or pointed end or edge. [7 definitions] |
prickly |
having small, sharp, pointed growths or extensions; full of prickles. [3 definitions] |
prickly pear |
any of various cactuses that have large, bristly, flattened stem joints, and bear brilliant flowers and sometimes edible fruit. [2 definitions] |
pride |
an inherent feeling of dignity and worth. [7 definitions] |