pressure |
a steady force upon a surface. [3 definitions] |
prestige |
importance in the eyes of other people because of doing great things, being in high position, or having wealth. |
presto |
quickly or suddenly. [2 definitions] |
presume |
to take for granted; assume. [2 definitions] |
pretend |
to claim or act in a false way in order to trick. [2 definitions] |
pretty |
pleasing or attractive to the eyes or ears. [3 definitions] |
pretzel |
a thin, crisp food that is like a cracker. A pretzel is shaped into a knot or stick, and then baked and salted. |
prevent |
to keep or stop from happening. |
prevention |
the act or process of preventing. |
preventive |
made to get in the way of or to block something. [3 definitions] |
preview |
a showing of a film, play, or work of art for a chosen audience before the public sees it. [2 definitions] |
previous |
coming just before another. [2 definitions] |
previously |
just before another. [2 definitions] |
prey |
an animal that is hunted or caught for food, usually by another animal. Certain plants catch prey as well. [6 definitions] |
price |
the sum of money needed to buy an item or service. [5 definitions] |
priceless |
having a worth greater than any price or amount of money. |
prick |
a small mark or hole made by something with a sharp or pointed end. [2 definitions] |
prickly |
full of small, sharp points. [2 definitions] |
prickly pear |
a cactus that is known for its bright flowers. Some kinds of prickly pear bear a fruit that can be eaten. |
pride |
an inborn feeling of self-worth. [4 definitions] |
pride and joy |
something or someone highly valued or loved. |