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previous coming just before another. [2 definitions]
previously just before another. [2 definitions]
prey an animal that is hunted or caught for food, usually by another animal. Certain plants catch prey as well. [6 definitions]
price the sum of money needed to buy an item or service. [5 definitions]
priceless having a worth greater than any price or amount of money.
prick a small mark or hole made by something with a sharp or pointed end. [2 definitions]
prickly full of small, sharp points. [2 definitions]
prickly pear a cactus that is known for its bright flowers. Some kinds of prickly pear bear a fruit that can be eaten.
pride an inborn feeling of self-worth. [4 definitions]
pride and joy something or someone highly valued or loved.
priest a person who is authorized by a church to lead prayers and religious services.
prim correct and proper beyond what is needed.
primarily mainly; mostly; chiefly.
primary main; chief. [3 definitions]
primary color any one of the three basic colors of the spectrum from which all other colors can be made by blending. In paint, they are red, yellow, and blue.
primary school a school that has the first three or four grades and sometimes kindergarten.
primate any animal in the category of mammals that includes humans, monkeys, apes, and some smaller, simpler animals. Most primates have large brains and flexible hands.
prime first in importance. [5 definitions]
prime minister the chief minister and head of a government with a parliament.
prime number a number that can be evenly divided only by itself or by one. Two and eleven are prime numbers.
primitive having to do with an early stage or a condition that is not developed. [3 definitions]