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prickly pear any of various cactuses that have large, bristly, flattened stem joints, and bear brilliant flowers and sometimes edible fruit. [2 definitions]
pride an inherent feeling of dignity and worth. [7 definitions]
pride and joy something or someone highly valued or loved.
priest a clergyman who performs religious rituals or leads a congregation in worship. [3 definitions]
prim formally correct and decorous, often to excess.
primarily mainly; mostly; chiefly.
primary most essential, important, or prevalent; main; chief. [7 definitions]
primary color any one of the three basic colors of the spectrum from which all other colors can be made by blending. In paint, they are red, yellow, and blue.
primary school a school that includes the first three or four grades and sometimes kindergarten. [2 definitions]
primate any of the category of mammals that includes humans, monkeys, and apes.
prime first in importance, rank, or degree. [17 definitions]
prime minister the chief minister and head of the cabinet in parliamentary governments.
prime number a number, such as 2 or 11, that can be evenly divided only by itself or by 1.
primitive of, pertaining to, or at an early stage or undeveloped condition. [6 definitions]
primrose any of several perennial plants bearing clusters of tubular flowers in various colors, esp. yellow, and having large leaves at the base of the flower stalk.
prince a high-ranking male member of a royal family, especially a son of a king or queen. [4 definitions]
Prince Edward Island a Canadian Maritime Province on an island east of New Brunswick.
princess a female closely related to a monarch, esp. a daughter. [4 definitions]
principal first in status, value, or importance; chief; main. [4 definitions]
principal's office the administrative office of the head of a school, sometimes seen particularly as the place where disciplinary action is carried out or where decisions with regard to discipline are made and announced.
principle a law, doctrine, or assumption on which action or behavior is based. [4 definitions]