prince |
a high-ranking male member of a royal family, especially a son of a king or queen. |
Prince Edward Island |
a province of Canada on an island off the eastern coast. Its capital is Charlottetown. |
princess |
a daughter or other close female member of the family of a king or queen. [2 definitions] |
principal |
greatest or first in importance. [3 definitions] |
principal's office |
the office of the head of a school, where decisions concerning the school are made and where discipline is sometimes carried out or decided on. The principal's office is also a place where students can wait during school hours for someone to pick them up if they need to go home for some reason. |
principle |
a basic law or truth on which action or behavior is based. [3 definitions] |
print |
to copy by transferring ink to a surface using mechanical pressure. [8 definitions] |
printer |
a person whose job or trade is printing. [2 definitions] |
printing |
the business or art of making printed materials. [2 definitions] |
printing press |
a machine for printing letters or pictures on paper or other material with ink. |
print-out |
a printed paper copy from a computer. |
print out |
to produce a copy on paper, by means of a computer printer. |
prior1 |
happening earlier in time or sequence. |
prism |
a solid glass or crystal object that light can pass through. It has three sides that are rectangles and two ends shaped like triangles. A prism splits a ray of light into the colors of the rainbow. [2 definitions] |
prison |
a building for holding and punishing people who have broken the law. |
prisoner |
a person who is held in a jail or prison while on trial or after being sentenced for a crime. [2 definitions] |
privacy |
the condition of being alone or away from the view of other people. |
private |
personal and not to be shared. [6 definitions] |
privilege |
a right or benefit that is given only to a certain person, group, or social class. |
prize |
a reward given to the winner of a contest or game. [4 definitions] |
pro1 |
a reason in favor of something. |