profess |
to claim or declare, esp. insincerely. [7 definitions] |
profession |
an occupation or career requiring advanced training or study. [4 definitions] |
professional |
of or pertaining to a profession. [7 definitions] |
professor |
a university or college teacher in the highest academic rank. [2 definitions] |
profile |
an outline or view from the side, esp. of a human face and head. [5 definitions] |
profit |
(often pl.) an amount of money yielded from an investment or business that exceeds the amount originally invested or paid out as expenses. [5 definitions] |
profitable |
bringing profits. [2 definitions] |
profound |
located at, reaching to, or coming from a great depth; deep. [4 definitions] |
profuse |
abundant or numerous; plentiful. [2 definitions] |
program |
a plan of procedure; schedule. [11 definitions] |
programmer |
one who prepares a program, esp. for a computer. |
progress |
movement toward a specific end; advance. [5 definitions] |
progressive |
moving steadily forward or onward; advancing. [8 definitions] |
prohibit |
to forbid (an action) by authority. [3 definitions] |
project |
any undertaking that requires great effort or organization. [11 definitions] |
projectile |
an object that is thrown, fired, or impelled by an outside force or weapon. [3 definitions] |
projection |
the act or state of projecting. [7 definitions] |
projector |
a machine for projecting an image onto a screen by casting a beam of light through photographic film. |
prolong |
to make (something) last longer; protract. [2 definitions] |
promenade |
a recreational or leisurely stroll, esp. in public. [8 definitions] |
prominent |
clearly noticeable; obvious; conspicuous. [3 definitions] |